Quilled Birthday Sunflower Bouquet Greeting Card

€4,95 /unit

Retail €12,00/unit

Out of Stock


Happy Birthday! The handcrafted Sunflower bouquet is sure to bring a smile to all who receive it. The quilled details are perfection from the petals on the flower to the colorful string that ties the bouquet together. This card is a beautiful keepsake and perfect for framing.

Each quilled card is beautifully handmade by a highly skilled artisan and takes one hour to create. A quilled card is meant for you to share, treasure as a keepsake, or display as the work of art it is.

Verified Fair Trade Federation Member

Don't just send a card, send art!

Product Details

Outside Copy: Happy Birthday
Inside Copy: Blank plus additional blank insert to write your own message on
Size: 6 in. x 6 in.
Envelope Color: Subject to Availability 
SKU: 0183
*Extra postage required for mailing